rfp: Open Annotation Collaboration

Announcement posted to the Humanist listserv from Neil Fraistat. May be of interest to those on the list “using and/or curating established repositories of scholarly digital resources with well-defined audiences of scholars.”


Dear all,

The Open Annotation Collaboration (OAC) project is pleased to announce a Request For Proposal to collaborate with OAC researchers for building implementations of the OAC data model and ontology. The OAC is seeking to collaborate with scholars and/or librarians currently using and/or curating established repositories of scholarly digital resources with well-defined audiences of scholars. The OAC intends to fund a set of four projects that are complementary in content media type and use cases that leverage the OAC Data Model to the fullest extent, and that leverage existing annotation tools or at least have articulated an interesting scholarly annotation use case.

Two of the successful Respondents will collaborate with OAC
researchers at the University of Maryland and the other two will collaborate with OAC research at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. (For these collaborations, Illinois and Maryland will provide guidance on the implementation of the OAC data model and ontology, help in defining extensions of the data model that might be necessary, advice on existing tools that might be adaptable for the demonstration experiment, feedback on correctness of mappings from/to native annotation formats and/or annotations created.)

The full text of the RFP can be found at

The IP agreement attachment to this RFP is available at:

A FAQ about this RFP is available at:

Please make all submissions regarding this RFP, including your letter of intent and proposal, to oac2rfp@support.lis.illinois.edu

Questions: regarding any details of this RFP should also be emailed to oac2rfp@support.lis.illinois.edu; answers to substantive questions from individuals will be posted immediately on the RFP FAQ page mentioned above (so as to available to all proposers).

The Open Annotation Collaboration is supported by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. OAC members include the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Maryland, the University of Queensland (Australia), and the Los Alamos National Laboratory.


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